Monday, March 12, 2012

Date Your Spouse - Date Idea #9 - Go Bowling

Do you and your wife ever need to just get out and have some lighthearted fun to escape the stress and worries of life for a little while?   This date idea might provide just some plain old recreational fun for you and her.   Try taking her bowling even if neither of you have ever been before.  Do it just to try something new.  As I've mentioned in previous posts, be a good sport,and don't get overly competitive.   Take any chance you can to complement your wife on her exploits with the bowling ball.

This date may not be the cheapest now days.  It seems that bowling alleys are getting more expensive.  Some bowling alleys are better than others in terms of atmosphere so do a little research to find the best one in your town.   If you want to save a few bucks, check your local yellow pages for coupons.  Our local bowling alleys usually publish a few coupons that will ease the stress on your wallet.

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